Gratification System

In carrying out activities and cooperation that are harmonious, harmonious and sustainable, every company always interacts with many parties, both internal parties and parties outside the company.

One thing that often occurs and is inevitable in carrying out business activities and relationships is the provision of gratuities from one party to another. Therefore, to keep business relationships in the ethical corridor and the principles of good corporate governance, it is necessary to regulate gratuities which include policies, management procedures, reporting and the appointment of work units responsible for managing and controlling gratuities in the company.

Referring to Law Number 31 of 1999 Article 12 B paragraph (1) Jo Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption, it is stated that every gratuity to a civil servant or State administration is considered bribery, if it is related to his position and contrary to his obligations or duties.

In order to implement policies related to gratuities within PT Krakatau Chandra Energi which is a follow-up to the signing of a commitment to the implementation of gratification control by the President Director of PT Krakatau Chandra Energi, it is necessary to prepare Gratification Management and Control Guidelines as a reference for the Board of Commissioners, Directors and all Employees of PT Krakatau Chandra Energi.

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