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Pioneering Renewable Energy Business Line for Energy Transition, PT Krakatau Daya Listrik wins Anugerah DEN 2023 award

Friday 09:19 / Oct 27, 2023

As a company that fully supports government regulations related to the development of New Renewable Energy (EBT) through Presidential Regulation (PERPRES) Number 112 of 2022 concerning Acceleration of Renewable Energy Development for Electricity Supply, PT Krakatau Daya Listrik (KDL) is committed to taking part in complying with and implementing the rules required by the industry and emphasized by the Directorate General of New Energy, Renewable and Energy Conservation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, issues related to global warming, carbon emission taxes and the benefits of high solar energy absorption potential because Indonesia is in an ideal geographical location for EBT development, making EBT business development began to be prioritized by KDL.

KDL has successfully built Rooftop, Ground-Mounted and Floating Solar Power Plants (PLTS) in various locations with a total installed of more than 736 installed panels with a capacity of 402.23 kWp and successfully built in 1,310 m2 roof area, 660 m2 land area and 400 m2 reservoir area. Until September 2023, the installation of this PLTS saves around 241 tons of CO2 or the equivalent of generating electricity for 773 households and the same as planting 6,568 tree seedlings per year. As for the future, KDL will continue to develop large-scale Floating PLTS utilizing the Nadra Krenceng Reservoir with an estimated production of 32 MWp. 

Thanks to continuous EBT development efforts both in the company's internal environment, business areas and on a national scale over the past year, KDL managed to receive the "Implementative Energy Provider Private Company in Energy Transition" Award at the 2023 National Energy Council (DEN) Award Night. This award was given because KDL is a private electrical energy provider company that is committed and successful in implementing EBT development in various sectors and market segmentations. Not only PLTS, KDL has also succeeded in building three Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) in two different areas through its subsidiary, PT Krakatau Sarana Energi, namely at Gerogol Gas Station and The Royale Krakatau Hotel Parking Lot, Cilegon and one station is in the Parking Lot of Wisma Barito Pacific 1, Jakarta.   

According to KDL President Director, Nandang Hariana, this award is an appreciation from DEN to entities and regions that are committed to accelerating the energy transition towards Net Zero Emission in 2060. "KDL is very committed to the implementation of EBT because the acceleration of EBT development for Indonesia's future must be supported from all sectors, both government, private and educational institutions," he said. He added, KDL will continue to continue EBT development with the achievement targets set by the Government. 


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